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Coping with COVID

The world is a strange place right now – so how are you doing? No, really, how are you coping? Is your family well? Are you staying in high spirits? Eating healthy and plentiful? Exercising and/or meditating? Taking care of your body, mind, and soul?

This is so important now more than ever, as we navigate through this unusual time in our world’s history. For some, it may be easy to retreat into quarantine and focus on wellness and family togetherness. For others, it may be extremely difficult to isolate themselves in their home for weeks on end. In the end, it is something we all have to learn to work through. I guess there is some peace in knowing that and knowing that you are not alone. Literally everyone in the world is in the same boat!

For us, in the Lane household, the KC Lane Designs team has been coping pretty well. This journey has taught us some new things about ourselves and each other. We are utilizing several tools and techniques to keep us motivated, healthy, and above all, happy, during this time. Hopefully, we can inspire you to do the same.


Meal Delivery Kits

Before the quarantine began, we had already started experimenting with food delivery kits, so it was a familiar process for us. Since grocery shopping has become quite an adventure, and going out in public is slightly nerve-racking, this has simplified the stocking of our fridge by having meals and snacks delivered right to our door.

With the meal kits, we also aren’t being wasteful, as we receive only the ingredients we need in specific portions, and everything is used. You can choose your own meals, any dietary restrictions, and even skip a week if you don’t like the recipes or are wanting to save money. Most of them offer a discount if it is your first time signing up, too, which is a bonus. A few we have tried include: Hungryroot, Blue Apron, and Purple Carrot.

We are cooking together, learning how to cook different foods, and eating healthy and filling meals. It’s a fun process and takes the stress out of grocery shopping when you don’t have to go in to the store for multiple items.

Get Up and Move

While gyms are closed and being stuck at home may leave you with little to no motivation, you may find it difficult to do any kind of physical activity. The best thing we have done to combat this is by creating our own ultimate playlists. Spotify is our go-to for music bumpin’, and we’ve had so much fun sharing songs with each other, discovering new music that we love, and dancing the night away come Friday Happy Hour.

We went ahead and purchased Spotify Premium so we can jam ad-free, but you don’t need Premium to make your own playlist. The music has made such a difference in our energy, and it is easy to see how music can completely transform your mood. Listening to your favorite songs can give you the motivation you need to step away from Netflix for a while and do something. Turn up the music and reorganize your kitchen. Play a dancing game with the kiddos. Or, if you’re listening to some really motivating stuff, pick up some dumbbells and pump some iron.

As we live in an area where there is countryside, and homes and people are far and few between, we’ve been able to head outside on occasion when the sun decides to make an appearance in Erie. Jake loves listening to his playlist while working on some yard work, and the dogs love going on walks and runs with me. It is certainly nice to get out of the house, move our legs, and get some much needed fresh air and Vitamin D.


While we have been practicing social distancing, we have still been keeping up with our social circles. We’ve utilized Facebook Messenger, Zoom, and Facetime to connect with our loved ones from afar, at least once a week. We laugh, talk about plans for the future when the quarantine lifts, discuss our exciting adventures of being locked up in our homes, and laugh some more.

For us, socializing does not mean time on social media. It means living in the moment, connecting with our favorite people face to face, or even via phone chats. Hearing someone’s voice can completely change your mood rather than just viewing their uplifting post on social media. We’re human and we are social creatures, which means we actually need to interact with other humans.

Set up a virtual happy hour with some friends or virtual game night with extended family. Even though it’s a different way of socializing, we need our friends and family right now. We need our loved ones to reinforce the idea that we aren’t as alone in this quarantine as it may seem sometimes.

Taking Care of Us

Being in the situation we are all in can be a great time for self-reflection. Spending more time at home could mean that you might have way more free time and alone time than you ever possibly wanted. However, it is a great time to look at how you spend your time. Are you doing things that make you happy?

Maybe you have a hobby that you gave up on or there is something you have always wanted to pick up on. Now is the time! You have the time, so use it to take care of yourself and do something you enjoy.

I’m flying through so many books, and the more I read, the more creativity strikes. I’m working on more projects, doing more crafting and writing, and even learning more about yoga and the meaning behind different poses. I’m adoring having more time to really enjoy my hobbies. I’m taking care of me and my business, too. I also love relaxing bubble baths with a good story or meditation practice that I stream from the Calm app on my phone.

Jake has even gotten on board the meditation train, too, and finds that he sleeps more easily when his mind is calmer. Although he is considered an essential worker, being confined to stay home has encouraged his motivation to take our yard to the next level. He loves working with his hands and working outdoors, so during this time he has cultivated a beautiful outdoor living space around our home. He has even been inspired to do some more woodworking, too.

Home from work, admiring the yard

Our pups of course need taken care of, too. Although Millie and Maggie love the fact that we are all confined together, and they haven’t been left at home alone in a while, they are worshiping the days when they hear the clinking of their leashes. Pets are one of the best ways to take care of yourself, too. You just can’t help but smile at those wigglebutts and loving chocolate eyes.

Project: Organization

Since we have more time on our hands, we have more time for projects. In addition to the ones mentioned above as we are struck by the creativity bug, we are also completing a “100 Item Discard” challenge. I tasked each of us to discard or donate 100 of our belongings by the end of the month.

When we got married and moved into our home together, it was pretty bare. Now, we look around and think, where did all this stuff come from? The goal is to keep only the things that we absolutely need and the things that bring us joy. If we’ve had it for a year or more and it hasn’t been used – gone. If the tag is still on – gone. If we have outgrown it – gone. If it is broken and we don’t plan to repair it right away – gone. If we don't know what the gadget does – gone.

We’re simplifying our house and our lives, and it feels great!

Is there an organization project you have been putting off because you haven’t had the time? Time to kick it off!


We hope we have inspired you with some of the ideas we have implemented into our lives to aid in our new living situation. From the bottom of our hearts, the KC Lane Designs family wishes you all well. Stay healthy and stay happy!



Questions to Ponder:

-What can you do right now to make yourself happy?

-Who can you plan a virtual hang out with this weekend?

Creating a healthy & happy lifestyle through fitness, food, and doing the things you love

Healthy Wife, Joyful Life

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