Wine Filled Weekend
On to the topic of wine – yes!

Just this past weekend, Wine Fest returned to our little grape-filled town, also known as the Wine Country Harvest Festival, which is held near the end of September every year. This three day festival brings in an average of 20,000 visitors between three parks, so it is a great boost for our community.
The air is filled with the scent of grapes and all of our small shops are receiving a huge increase in tourist sales. Plus, there are opportunities to enjoy some great bands, stomp some grapes, do a little shopping, and sample about 100 various wines from local wineries. Bring it on!

Lots of people enjoy wine, and who doesn’t like festivals? Plus, wine carries some health benefits, in the appropriate quantities, of course. The correct moderation amounts to about one four-ounce glass for women and two four-ounce glasses for men per day, preferably red for the greatest health benefits. I don’t know about you, but to me, it sounds like men get the upper hand here.
Nevertheless, wine lowers risk for heart disease and diabetes. Drinking a glass before bed has been proven to enhance sleep quality and improve brain function, which means it is capable of reducing risk for dementia. Plus, it has even been discovered to prevent the growth of certain cancer cells and enhance mental health. Wine = health & happiness. I’d call that a win, win.
Although, I’m pretty sure this weekend many folks will be drinking beyond the recommended amount of wine. But hey, it’s all in the name of good, festival fun, right? (Just be sure to always designate a sober driver for your intoxicated adventures!) And what better way to feel a sense of community than to join in on some festival fun?

This was actually my first time being able to enjoy the wine tasting list and festivities, since the past few years I have had my own craft booth for KC Lane Designs. Since obtaining a full time job at the Cancer Center, on top of leaving time to spend with my husband, friends and family, it has definitely been a busy year. So I took this much needed time off to enjoy Wine Fest from the other side of the tent.
I think celebrating a weekend like this there are a few lessons to learn. Just to name a few:
1. Always pay attention to your feet when on boarding and exiting the wine shuttle bus. Please contain your enthusiasm for the wine tents to avoid the pain of a broken nose or leg.
2. One token allows for one wine bottle of wine to be purchased and poured right in the park. Sharing is caring – hello, new friends!
3. Community events always bring about community people. A.k.a. all those guys and gals you haven’t spoken to since high school. Reunion time!
4. Dancing the night away to the great music played by live bands will burn calories, therefore allowing for more wine consumption.
5. Celebrating a good time with friends and family. Now that’s priceless.

Although when wine is involved, you are bound to have a fabulous time, all while improving various aspects of your health. But what truly matters the most in these festivities is who is there by your side to share the bottle with you.
Questions to Ponder:
-What festivals do you have near your town?
-Who do you most enjoy going with and why?